通过的中文解释 英文翻译
2016-12-07 来源:网络
通过,指通行;穿过;从一端到另一端。在《西学东渐记》、《从文自传·一个老战兵》、《暴风雨之夜》、《续孽海花》等作品中可见使用。反义词: 阻塞、否决、反对。
passage; pass out of; by force of; transit; through; past; get by; via; get by on; thru; passing; traversing; approbate; loom; ratify; pass across; adopt; put through; get a pass; pass over; passthrough; by means of; by the medium of; through the medium of; sail through; pass; pass out; across; carriage; admit through; clear through; come through; pass through; per; go over; overpass; carry; get across; put across; by; travel; allow through ; as a result of ; by force of ; by the agency of ; by the aid of ; by the measure of ; by the medium of ; clear through ; drive through ; get by ; get through ; go through ; goes through ; got by ; got through ; gotten through ; infiltrate through; adopts ; by means of ; through the agency of ; through the medium of ; with the aid of; carry; enact; pass; get past; pass through; traverse ; adoption; enactment; passage; transit ; prep. by; through; 1.to pass through; to come through; to get across2.to adopt (a motion, proposal); to approve; approve; by means of/through/via/to adopt/to pass through/to get through/to switch over; clear; di-; gate through; get through; get through with; go in (on); go through; go-by; got by; plying; sift through; thread through; thro.; get involved in