

真实性爱演出的电影清单 有兴趣的抱走~~~

2013-11-23 来源:未知

真实性爱演出的电影清单 有兴趣的抱走~~~
1. 反基督者 Antichrist

导演 : 拉斯·冯·提尔 Lars von Trier 
主演 : 威廉·达福 Willem Dafoe/夏洛特·甘斯布 Charlotte Gainsbourg

评语 : This film by Lars von Trier features a scene of penetrative vaginal intercourse, and also includes graphically violent sexual imagery. Body doubles were used to make the film.

2. 性爱禁区 Destricted

导演 : Marina Abramovic/Matthew Barney/Marco Brambilla/Larry Clark/Gaspar Noé/Richard Prince/Sam Taylor Wood

评语 : Seven short films by artists and film-makers commissioned to "explore the fine line where art and pornography intersect", it "contains strong, real sex".

3. 性爱巴士 Shortbus

导演 : 约翰·卡梅隆·米切尔 John Cameron Mitchell 
主演 : 李素英 Sook-Yin Lee/保罗·道森 Paul Dawson/林赛·比米什 Lindsay Beamish/PJ DeBoy/拉斐尔·巴克 Raphael Barker/杰·布拉南 Jay Brannan

评语 : Several actors in this American film, including Canadian TV personality, singer, and CBC national radio host Sook-Yin Lee,[36] perform real coitus and other sexual acts. Non-simulated sex acts include explicit masturbation by several characters, coitus, a

4. 深喉揭密 Inside Deep Throat

导演 : Fenton Bailey/Randy Barbato 
主演 : Dennis Hopper/Gerard Damiano/John Waters

评语 : This documentary includes the deep throat scene from the original Linda Lovelace motion picture Deep Throat. Approximately 30 seconds of the actual fellatio.

5. 安娜 All About Anna

导演 : Jessica Nilsson 
主演 : Gry Bay/Adrian Bouchet

评语 : The film-makers, Innocent Pictures, said that "Without the sex scenes, the film’s drama would fall apart. This was a particular challenge to the film’s cast, who had to cope with the traditional social and human traumas associated with having real sex in



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